Taurant Projects Ltd Recruitment: Engineer & Technician के लिए निकली बंपर भर्ती, Oil and Gas Jobs Opening| Apply Now
Company Name : Taurant Projects Limited
Taurant Projects Ltd (TPL) एक इंजीनियरिंग कंपनी है। इसका मुख्य कार्य Oil , Gas & Water Pipelines, City Gas Pipeline, Civil Infrastructure & Solid Waste, renewable energy generation, directional drilling. का कार्य करती है।
Taurant Projects Ltd Recruitment
Open Position –
📢 Safety Officer :-
- Qualification – B.tech in Mechanical & Diploma in industrial safety (From any India institutes recognized by AICTE Or state council of tech education of any Indian state/ union territory with at least one paper in construction safety (as per elective subject).
📢 HDD Rig Operator :-
- Experience – 8 years+ with maxi Rig Experience (150 tons +).
📢 Project Manager :-
- Experience – 10 years+ in Long HDD crossings.
📢 QA/ QC Engineer (Welding + Hydrotest) :-
- Experience – 5 years+ in cross country pipeline or city gas distribution.
📢 Maintenance Technician :-
- Responsibilities – For Engines/ Pumps with knowledge in electrical, Mechanical and hydraulic Systems.
Job Location : Deputation across North and South India, as well as in Bangladesh.
How to Apply Taurant Projects Ltd Recruitment
अगर आप इस भर्ती के लिए अप्लाई करना चाहते है, तो नीचे Email ID दिया गया है। इस Email ID पर आपको अपना Resume भेजना होगा। अगर आपका Resume कंपनी के निकाली हुई भर्ती से मैच करता है तो कंपनी आपसे contect करेगी । आपका Interview होगा और Interview निकल लेते है तो आपको इस कंपनी में Job मिल जायेगी।
Interested Candidates Can Send your Resume to hr@taurant.in
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